Accelerate Your Marketing Goals with eBooks

E-books have come up in a big way in recent times. They have become a potent weapon in your marketing arsenal. In line with Google algorithm update post-2015, it is now become mandatory to provide detailed, ‘long form’ content that is not only relevant but also meaningful to the readers. This is exactly where e-book fit in as a suitable content marketing strategy for your business’ online marketing needs.


How Textuar adds value to e-book development work?

It has been proven that after webinars, eBooks are the second most effective marketing strategy to generate more valuable leads for your business. While developing an eBook may look like a tedious task, it is here that Textuar will come across as your trusted e-book writer for developing well-researched and well-structured e-books.

Here are some ways in which we add value to your marketing tactics through e-book development:

Looking at the volume of sales closed by attracting leads through e-books, the RoI totally justifies the effort in developing the e-book

eBook writing company

What makes Textuar eBook writing services distinctive?

Writing an eBook to rack up new business accounts is a skill that few can master. At Textuar, we have carved a team of eBook ghostwriters. We know how to develop highly relevant and engaging eBook content. Such engrossing content helps deliver the best reading experience to your readers.

Take a sneak peek into our eBook writing services competencies-

Quality that Impacts Business Fortunes:
Our eBook writers thoroughly emphasize developing the best quality content for your eBooks. Many eBook writing services in India fail to accomplish the target in terms of depth, coverage, engagement, and deadlines. However, the eBooks developed by our writer strike the perfect balance of superiority and punctuality.
Cost effective:
We stick to the cost-effective pricing model that suits your budget while delivering the worth way beyond what you pay. Why? Because it's our firm belief that offering the value at a justifiable price establishes and strengthens a long-term business venture.
Seasoned writers:
We have highly qualified and extensively experienced professional eBook writers. They have mastery in developing extremely engaging content in different domains. This USP becomes the backbone of Textuar’s eBook writing services.
100% Quality:
You would want to hire an eBook writer that knows how to create 100% unique and plagiarism-free content. Therefore, Textuar invests time, effort, and resources into training its eBook writers. This empowers them with the capabilities of developing unique content. As a result, you get impeccable quality, totally unique, and 100% plagiarism-free content …. always.
Content delivered on time:
You can hire a freelance eBook writer online, but what are the odds of the writer being genuinely faithful to the commitment of timely delivering quality content? Thankfully, we have a team of highly skilful eBook writers having executed tons of eBook writing assignments. We guarantee on-time eBook delivery with highly engaging and compelling content. It succeeds in luring the readers into contacting you to know more about your products/ services.
Textuar possesses expertise in developing highly tailored eBook content. The compelling narrative meets your requirement. It also entices your targeted readers to read the content until the end. This way, it never fails to deliver the value they seek in the content.

How Textuar eBook writing services work?

We incorporate the standard operating procedures. This enables us to produce highly customized and customer-centric eBook content. Here’s how our impeccable performance-driven eBook writing methodology empowers us to create impactful content-

Understand client’s needs:

Observing and analyzing the client's needs is the key to developing an eBook that leaves a deep impact on the reader's psyche. Therefore, we indulge in intricately analyzing the client’s needs. This helps us to draft a roadmap that leads towards optimum quality content creation for the readers.

Vigorous research:

Based on the client's needs, we intensely research the subject concerning its niche and competitors. It enables us to better understand and overview the key prospects. This step adds immense weightage and value for eBook readers.

Plan eBook structure:

Once we are done with comprehending the client’s needs along with necessary research, we draft the index for your eBook in the preliminary stage. This is followed by stringent checks on typos, sentence structuring, tonality, voice, the terminology used, and readability. We then get the eBook index approved by you before proceeding further towards content creation.

Develop eBook content

In this phase, we move ahead with developing highly expressive and engaging content for your eBook. We also notify you with interim updates to keep you posted on the progress.

Approval & revisions:

We believe in providing the highest level of customer satisfaction. Therefore, our work does not end with developing an eBook for you. Rather, this is where we start to give the final touch to your assignment. This is done by providing a round of revision so that the content matches your requirements.

Get exemplary eBook writing services with Textuar

Go for the top-notch eBook ghostwriting services from Textuar, and you will not be disappointed. Textuar is the one-stop destination for all eBook solutions. We have the eBook writers needed for creating an immersive, expressive, and engaging eBook. In order to capitalize on the impact of e-books in driving leads to your business, get in touch with us at Textuar today, and we will help you in getting your e-book done and delivered in a quick time.


Why should I make an eBook an essential part of my marketing plan?

eBooks are a versatile content format. They are detailed, informative and offer real value to readers. All this sounds like music to Google’s algorithm. With longer and more meaningful content, e-books can help establish your authority.


It can be a great way to engage with your audience and give you a leg-up in the SEO game. We live in a time where attention spans are short. But e-books are your chance to showcase your expertise and keep your audience hooked.

How do you manage the content quality of the eBook?

We take our content very seriously. We start by researching thoroughly to ensure we are accurate and relevant. Then, our seasoned writers create content that adheres to your brand's goals and vision.


Then, rigorous editing and proofreading take place. We catch typos and polish the text for all-round proofreading. All of this ensures the result is outstanding. We make sure that every piece not only meets but exceeds your expectations.

What are the reasons i should go for an e-book?

An e-book is like a powerful tool for your marketing toolkit. Here is why-


·       An eBook positions you as an industry expert. It offers in-depth insights and showcases your expertise.

·       Use your e-book as a lead magnet to attract and capture potential customers, growing your email list.

·       eBooks offer detailed and valuable content. It keeps readers engaged and returning for more.

·       Easily shareable across platforms. E-books help amplify your message and reach a wider audience.

How can I place an order for an eBook?

Placing an order with us is a breezy process. Just follow these steps-


·       Contact us through our website or email to discuss your e-book needs and objectives.

·       Provide us with your project details—topics, target audience, length, and any specific requirements or guidelines.

·       We will schedule a consultation to fine-tune the project scope and ensure we are on the same page.

·       Once we have nailed down the details, we will send you a contract and invoice. Upon receipt of payment, we will kick off your e-book project.

·       We will start the writing process and keep you updated with drafts and progress.

What is your process for writing an e-book?

Our e-book writing process is carefully written. First, we discuss the purpose of ebook. We understand everything about your brand. Next, we craft a detailed outline to ensure that we hit the right notes. With your approval, we will move on to the writing phase.

After the initial draft, we enter the revision phase. We incorporate your feedback and fine-tune for clarity. Finally, we edit and proofread the content. We deliver a flawless end product to you.