Attract the attention of billions of leads with social media writing services

With more than a billion people on one single platform – social media, it is critical to swaying their attention towards your brand. This is exactly where Textuar’s crisp, concise, and engaging social media content writing shows its forte. 


Why Textuar

With our social media content services in India, you can reach out to your intended audience with crisp posts that don’t take a lot of time to read, but succeed in generating a lot of impact.

Textuar’s social media content writers in India possess expertise in developing extremely engaging content to lure the social media users to your brand on the following platforms-


The audience on the world’s largest social media platform belongs to a broad demographics. Your brand can use compelling social media content to boost website traffic and acquire more customers through FB.

Our social media content writing services revolve around creating highly enticing content for your brand. At the same time, we keep it apt for Facebook’s algorithms.


Instagram is, hands down, one of the most popular social media platforms amongst the youth, with more than 70% of users aged below 34 years.

The social media writers at Textuar develop highly enticing Insta posts while incorporating the most relevant and high search volume hashtags. This helps to boost the reach of your post and bring more traffic to your website.


LinkedIn is a great B2B marketing platform with accurate targeting based on dynamics like location, job position, work experience, skillset, etc. Harnessing this platform for inbound marketing of your brand will yield great results.

Our social media copywriting services create content optimized for LinkedIn. It not only reaches your targeted audience on LinkedIn but also triggers conversion.


The microblogging social media platform Twitter now has more than 350 million global users. However, it requires wit to deliver a striking ad message in under 280 characters on Twitter.

Therefore, our proficient social media writing services emphasize developing the best tweets to entice and lure the targeted users to your website.

Features of Textuar’s social media writing services

There are plural benefits of hiring Textuar to create engaging social media content for your brand.

Highly seasoned writers
Textuar houses a team of proficient writers with years of writing experience and expertise in different industries. These highly devoted writers guarantee top-notch content that lures social media users into picking your content from the feeds and provoke them into making a desirable action. The social media platforms are very dynamic. The writers at our content writing company will quickly adapt to the ongoing trends to ensure that they deliver engaging content for the readers.
Content tailored to a targeted audience
Textuar develops a highly customized and tailored social media strategy for your brand by intensely researching the ongoing trends along with target-audience preferences. The content our writers create consists of high search volume and relevant keywords and hashtags. The content embellished with the right keywords and hashtags boost the reach of your posts and divert a significant amount of traffic to your website.
Other social media management companies drain out your money in the name of crafting high impact content, and yet your posts fail to reach the maximum number of targeted users and lack the potential to engage the users. On the other hand, Textuar’s social media writing services provide you optimized content at very competitive prices and enhance the reach of your posts and bring a lot of user traffic to your website.
On-time delivery
Delivering highly optimized and highly engaging content at the right time is Textuar’s forte. After all, the right content at the right time on the right platform is the key to enhancing the reach of your social media posts. We make sure that you can utilize this open platform to engage directly with your customers, answer their queries and provide helpful information. This will result in increased loyalty towards your brand, and a better trust factor, since you are dealing with them on a public platform. With our content, you can build a sense of belonging where your audience would like to come back again repeatedly. Give high-quality content in response to your users’ interest and sustained support, only with Textuar’s social media Writing services.



Research shows that

  • 1 – 70% of B2B marketers were expected to increase their content marketing budget in 2022
  • 2 – Content brings 3x more leads than traditional marketing strategies.
  • 3- ~50% of companies were expected to grow their content team in 2022.
  • 4- 75% of large companies outsource content writers.
  • 5 – Publishing 2-6 times a week gets 50% more clicks


These reasons show that content writing is a critical skill that can make or break your SEO campaign.

Hence it is wise to delegate this important activity to experts like Textuar.

We enable these advantages for you –

  • 1 – We create high-quality content that engages your target audience.
  • 2 – We understand the art of storytelling, call to action, and persuasive writing techniques to maximize your content’s impact.
  • 3 – Outsourcing content writing allows you to focus on your core business activities while leaving the writing tasks to the experts.
  • 4 – By incorporating relevant keywords, meta tags, and other SEO elements, we enhance the site’s SEO effectiveness and attract organic traffic.

We specialize in a wide range of content types tailored to meet your specific needs. Here are some examples:

  • a) Website Content: We can create engaging and informative content for your website’s pages. These include the homepage, about us page, product or service pages, and more.
  • b) Blog Posts: Our team excels at writing blog posts that inform, educate, and entertain your audience. The well-articulated content establishes you as an industry thought leader.
  • c) SEO Articles: We can help you boost your search engine rankings with well-researched and keyword-optimized articles. They help drive organic traffic to your website.
  • d) Social Media Content: We create compelling social media content. It grabs target users’ attention. It also helps to increase engagement and promote your brand across various platforms.
  • e) Press Releases: Our writers can craft professional press releases. They effectively communicate your news and announcements to the media and a wider audience.
  • f) Email Newsletters: We design and write engaging newsletters. They keep your subscribers informed, nurture relationships, and drive conversions.
  • These are just a few examples of the content types we specialize in. We can tailor our services to suit your specific content requirements.

Ensuring high-quality content is our top priority. Here’s an overview of our quality assurance process:

  • a) Skilled Writers: We have a team of experienced writers who are experts in writing on diverse topics in B2C and B2B content writing. They undergo a rigorous selection process to ensure creativity and writing capabilities.
  • b) Thorough Research: Our writers conduct in-depth research on the given topic. This helps to ensure the content is accurate, informative, and up-to-date. We gather information from reputable sources to maintain credibility.
  • c) Editing and Proofreading: Once the initial draft is completed, our skilled editors review the content for grammar, spelling, punctuation, clarity, and overall flow. They make necessary revisions to polish the content. This way, we strive to meet our stringent quality standards.
  • d) Plagiarism Check: We utilize advanced plagiarism detection tools like Grammarly Premium and Copyscape Premium. This step ensures that the content is original and free from any form of plagiarism. We prioritize delivering unique and authentic content to our clients.
  • e) AI detection: We run the content through AI detection tools. This way, we make sure that only human-generated content is delivered to the client.
  • f) Client Collaboration: We value your feedback and encourage open communication throughout the content creation process. We work closely with you to understand your requirements, address any concerns, and make revisions to meet your expectations.

Our commitment to quality is unwavering. We strive to deliver content that exceeds your expectations in terms of accuracy, relevance, and overall excellence.


We do a comprehensive briefing prior to the start of the project. This helps us understand

  1. – the type of content
  2. – client business
  3. – target audience
  4. – keywords to be used
  5. – specific content guidelines

This helps us create content that aligns with your expectations. If you need rework, we can do 1-2 rounds of editing to fine-tune the content further.


We have a very reasonable pricing structure as compared to our industry peers. Also, if you onboard us for bulk projects, we will be happy to consider a discount on the pricing so that we can make it a win-win for both projects.

  1. Pricing may vary depending on the type, complexity, and scale of the project
  2. We do a minimum order of Rs. 10000 for content projects
  3. Our payment terms are 50% in advance, and 50% upon approval of content
  • We have the capacity to do around 27000 words a day.
  • You can be assured of getting 1-2 articles (around 2000-2500 words) in 1-2 working days.