3 Questions a Content Writer Should Ask Clients Before a Project

Questions a Content Writer Should Ask Clients to Ensure Project Success

The current online space is intensely competitive hence your business needs quality content writer. Businesses globally are realigning strategies to make a push for the digital audience. The stringent norms of social distancing and lockdowns have taken a toll on brick-and-mortar stores. But forward-looking companies are re-imagining how businesses happen now, i.e., online.

Content Writing for the Healthcare Industry – 6 Tips for Success

content writing for healthcare tips

Did you know that 77 percent of the people looking for health information began their last session on a search engine? In today’s world, the healthcare content writing market is one of the fastest expanding markets. It is one of the niches of the content writing industry, which will always remain in demand.

Tips for Creating Compelling Content for Your B2B Tech Audience

B2B content writing for technology

B2b content writing for tech audience differs a lot from that for the b2c audience. Imagine this sentence to show the monetary benefit of buying a product: B2C – “This product is a value for money deal and provide you 20% savings” B2B – “This product can boost FTE productivity by 15% and save marketing […]

Top Ways to Take Your next eBook from Good to Awesome

ebook writer

Books created by eBook writers have always been the most trusted source for valued information. Their digital cousins, the humble eBooks go one step further. They not only enthrall and delight, but also helps make it a commercially worthwhile option. Perhaps, this explains why so many eBook writers are so busy in today’s digital era.