5 ways to use interactive content to boost your online marketing campaign

interactive content to boost your online marketing campaign

Every company has to understand that a digital content consumer has a small attention span. If the ad is boring, he has the option of closing the window of the browser. So, they should find a way to advertise for their product that captivates the users and converts them into customers. There is an easy […]

10 Modern Blog Editing Tips for The Finicky Blogger

Blog editing tips for the blogger

Blogging is a hot topic right now and everyone loves it. Blog content not only provides information to the reader but creates an incredible channel for brands to engage better with their potential customers online and thus obtain new revenue streams. It is no wonder that 86% of B2B companies use blogging as a lead […]

Why Storytelling by a Copywriter Is a Smart Marketing Strategy

storytelling by copywriter

Miami based copywriter Jason Peugh always wanted a reliable way of connecting with his digital audience. He has been trying multiple styles in copywriting. But he couldn’t successfully establish a meaningful connection with this online audiences. Then, he started adding stories of real-life instances. He then connected these experiences with the point he was making […]

7 interesting IT buzzwords for website content writing

IT Buzzword for website content

“Change is the only constant” is an adage as old as time. The sooner we get to terms with it, the better adapted we are to go about in a world that’s so fast-paced. Learning necessary buzzwords always comes by handy, especially when you are involved in website content writing for IT companies. It lets you […]

4 Amazon Product Description Writing Areas to Focus On

Amazon product description writer

Today, Amazon retails 75.1 million products – easily making it one of the biggest e-commerce sites in the world. As a seller, there is a lot of value in getting good product descriptions written so that your product ranks high on relevant search terms. You need to focus on the 4 key areas of the […]