How to Make Your Website Content More Readable?

website content writing

Making sure your online content is “readable” is crucial in website content writing. It is an important aspect of optimizing it for the target audience. With this technique, you make your content as easy to read and skim as possible.

Users are more inclined to leave your website if your content is difficult to follow or understand. No wonder that even experts like Neil Patel recommend SEO webmasters to use tools to monitor and improve readability.

For that reason alone, it’s critical to understand the basic concepts of readability in website content writing. The key factors to consider when generating highly readable content are common content writing principles. Website writers  will find these easy to implement and apply.

What is readability?

When we talk about a text’s readability, we simply refer to how easy it is to read and comprehend. So, your target audience should enjoy reading the content, rather than feeling drained after reading it.

However, many website content writers fail to take this into account.

In many cases, the readability of writing is largely influenced by the quality of the writing itself. Elements like text size, color scheme, and font style may significantly influence an article’s readability. It is one of the reasons it is critical to design with accessibility in mind.

But in content writing, there are many optimization techniques. These include simpler alternatives to complex words, shorter sentences, and smaller paragraphs.

What is an Example of Good Readability in Website Content Writing?

Let’s take an example.

I was stuck at the office because the boss had given a lot of PowerPoint slides to edit before the 9am meeting tomorrow, failing which, I might not be eligible for my incentives

This 33-word sentence can be broken into four smaller sentences (without changing its meaning or essence)

I was stuck at the office as I was working late. The boss had given a lot of PowerPoint slides to edit. These had to be done before the 9am meeting tomorrow. If this is not done, I might not be eligible for my incentives

See the difference?

The second option scores way higher on readability score than the first option. Plus the second option is easy to read and comprehend. It is not taxing on the reader’s minds.

In the first sentence, many points are crammed into one single sentence. This may lead to the reader’s brain to hard to grapple with the meaning behind what it was trying to say. This can turn out to be an annoying reading experience.

Make it easy for the readers. Give them something to read that their brains can easily process and comprehend.

Why Is Readability Important When Optimizing Your Content?

Readability might have an impact on your site’s search engine optimization (SEO). For instance, Google considers it a factor when ranking your pages since it links searchers with relevant and valuable content. So if you want your posts to perform well, quality and readability must be key priorities.

Studies show that 79% of web users scan rather than read the content. When website content writing is readable, visitors spend more time on the site. They can easily understand your marketing message. Since they can digest information better, it prompts them to engage longer with your site.

So make sure that the written text in your site is easy to read and comprehend for the impatient searchers.

How to Improve the Readability in Website Content Writing 

1 – Avoid too many long sentences

While lengthier sentences are sometimes inevitable or even required, you should try to limit the number of sentences. These numbers could include 20 words or more.

At the same time, you should avoid using only short phrases. Instead, experiment with different sentence lengths. It gives your writing a more natural flow.

2 – Use headers and paragraphs to break up the content

Nobody enjoys reading a long block of text with no breaks. If a paragraph is excessively long, it might not be easy to focus your eyes on it physically. Hence, use plenty of line breaks to make your text easier to skim.

Including regular headers is another wise strategy. It provides your content with a clear structure. It also further makes your content more scannable.

3 – Choose simple alternatives for complicated words 

While it may be tempting to use ten-dollar words like “expeditious” or “ameliorate.” Doing so will make your content more difficult to read.

You could use simpler words like “fast” or “improve.” It is almost always preferable to use a popular term over a more obscure one.

4 – To improve flow, use transition words 

Transition words are used to make your sentences flow naturally. Without them, sentences might appear disconnected from one another. Moreover, their meanings can get lost.

“As such,” “however,” and even “for example” are common transition words.

5 – Use active voice in website content writing 

When you use too much passive voice in your writing, it can sound weak and unfocused.

For example, the sentence “an error was made by me” is passive. But “I made an error” is active.

As you can guess, the latter is simpler to understand. It also immediately defines who the sentence’s subject is.

Read More How to Use Readability in Blog Writing to Boost SEO Ranking?

Wrapping Up

These were a few of the proven ways to improve the readability in website content writing.

Applying them will enhance your content and will also help the reader to understand your content.

If a DIY approach sound complex, then hire the website content development experts like Textuar. They can generate compelling website copywriting to boost audience engagement. The highly readable content elevates he likelihood of enquiries and conversion for your site.

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