8 Super Functional Tools For Content Writing Services Providers

content writing tools

With considerable advancements in tech innovations, website owners, and digital marketers now have multiple tools, resources, and options at their disposal when creating compelling content. These not only take the pain out of making content engrossing but also serves content writing companies and content marketers to create more value for the end client.

Here we help you get introduced to the top 8 popular tools for content writing domain. But first a note worth considering.


Understanding your content structure

Utilizing tech resources is fine. But the million dollar question is which resource to use for what type of content and for what type of target audience. Remember, this is the golden age for smart content. Conventional writing styles, content structuring, and formatting practices will prove to be of little help. Thankfully, most of the new-age content development tools aim at revolutionizing your content structure, thus generating more interest and better conversion amongst readers.

While choosing tools for content writing, you will have to check out what serves your purpose the best, and take decisions accordingly. With this point, here is our compilation of the top 8 tools for creating sticky content.

Tantalizing Titles

Since the title carries an overall idea about your article or blog, you must ensure it’s attractive and hooks the reader to read on. There are two tools for you:

1 – CoSchedule: Develop an in-depth understanding of your titles with CoSchedule Headline Analyzer. Choose titles that engage audiences, thus enhancing readability.

2 – Emotional Marketing Headline Analyzer: Appeal to your customers’ emotions with this fantastic tool. Test your headlines, and determine the emotion you wish to evoke in your readers’ minds.

Content language structure

Complicated textual structure, unreadable content and too many tech jargons add to your complexities. Get these two tools for properly structured contents:

3 – Google AdWords Keyword Planner: This is a valuable tool for content writing services companies. Seek assistance from this unique tool that helps you identify optimized keywords for your content.

4 – Hemingway: Stop wasting your precious time in editing and get Hemingway. All you need to do is feed in your content. The tool will help you know whether it is unreadable, too complex, and dense.

Inspirational insights

Being a creator of trending content is an ecstatic feeling. However, you will need to know whether it is earning enough popularity or not. You have some fantastic options here:

5 – Scoop.it: Find a trending content, add your personalized touch, and popularize it through social media networks. Scoop.it will help you do it all.

6 – Google Trends: Use this exceptional content ideation tool to find out whether your content is based on a trending concept or idea.

7 – HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator: With this tool, you can feed in three nouns related to your chosen topic, and the tool will find topics for next content.

8 – Cliché Finder – Content writing service providers are penning down thousands of articles every day. Possibilities of sounding clichéd are always there. Get Cliché Finder to discover repetitive and overused phrases and words in your contents.

Signing off

With these highly functional tools, you will develop interesting, engaging, and incredible content for your website. Whether you are a website owner or content writing company, content creation will be nothing short of a cakewalk for you.

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