9 Content Writing Skills You Need to Succeed In 2024

content writing skills 2024

Content is the reason the search began in the first place.  The world of high-quality content creation is evolving speedily. No wonder that 93% of companies believing that content marketing is essential for their business. However, randomly putting together some words won’t cut it in this competitive arena. It’s about creating content that not only resonates […]

Techniques to Overcome Writer’s Block in Content Writing

writers block in content writing

Have you ever spent hours gazing at a blank page as you tried to write but couldn’t find the perfect words? If you have, know you are not the only one who has ever faced such an issue.  All content writers in the digital marketing space battle this issue. 

How to Align Content with Search Intent – A Guide for Content Writers

content writers for search intent

“What’s all the buzz around search intent?”, is a question asked by many exasperated content writers. As they struggle to adapt to evolving Google algorithm guidelines, search intent seems one of the many concrete ranking signals they need to contend with. This blog will attempt to answer all queries around search intent and what content […]

How Does Content Writing Win Business for Your Company?

how content writing wins business online

One of the highly sought-after skills is content writing. The content writing and marketing industry is pegged to grow from $195.58 billion in 2016 to $412.88 billion in 2023. This translates to a 13.26% CAGR year on year. This blog will cover the below points

How to Hire a Content Writer for Digital Success?

how to hire a content writer

When you have a digital business, the intense competition will need you to go for SEO. Doing so will help you gain a competitive advantage. But SEO needs a regular influx of fresh and original content to meet its campaign objective. This is why you need to hire a content writer. What value does a […]