Content writers Beware! Of these Grammar Misses

tips for content writers on grammar misses

Content writing helps in the overall marketing endeavor of any business. It engages readers in a way that prompts them to go for the client’s products/ services. It is imperative that professional content writing agency like us design their content in such a way that they are able to convey their message appropriately to the right audience. In this regard, grammar and spelling plays a big role in facilitating the right way of communicating with worldwide readers. The right grammar not only improves the readability of the content but also appeals to the sense of the readers in a positive way.

Poor grammar just cannot have a place in content marketing. While we understand that Internet might not be a perfectionist, however the below misses are cardinal sins of grammar. These cannot appear in your content at any cost. The below are some basic grammar rules that HAVE to be followed –

1. That vs. Which 

This might be a bit tricky. However the rule is to use ‘That’ need not have a comma before it and is used with restrictive clauses. On the other hand, ‘Which’ needs a comma before it and is used with non-restrictive clauses. This works because the information after non-restrictive clauses is additional but not essential.

2. Full stops and parenthesis 

The rule for this will be –
           a. Use period or full stop inside parenthesis when the sentence within it is complete.
           b. Do not use period inside parenthesis when the text within it is not a complete sentence.


3. I, me, myself 

Use ‘I’ to denote a first person (subject) pronoun who is doing/ has done/ will do the action. ‘Me’ is an (object) pronoun who is subject to the action being performed. We cannot write ‘I love me’. Instead content writers need to use ‘myself’ always for subject pronoun i.e. ‘I love myself’.

If you see copywriting like “Team looses vital match” or “The principle of the school was awarded the certification”, you know something is essentially off with the copy. Grammar helps portray correctness of the content and enhances its consumption among readers. In today’s times of short attention span, it is very difficult to emerge unscathed from a grammar miss. On spotting an error in a published content, the reader will simply move on to another article and your business would have lost a client forever.

Write in to us and let us know your comments on what are the most common grammar misses that you have come across.

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