Business Blogs – Make it Your Customer Acquisition Mantra


Digital marketing has gained significant traction over the last 7-8 years. This growth is mainly fuelled by quality content. One form of engaging with customers through content is by developing business blogs. Business websites usually have a dedicated blog page that aims to drive customer engagement through helpful content that seeks to resolve a particular need or answer a query. In the process they help readers move closer to sales closure and generate revenue. It is no surprise that more than 40% US companies using blogs as one of their marketing measures, given the kind of impact it has on bringing your customers closer to your business.

Why blogging is good for business?

Some of the ways your business benefits from blogging are

  1. Marketing channel

    Just like email marketing or social media, blogging provides a potential opportunity to engage in direct communication with readers and induce them to respond to a specific call-to-action.

  2. Online trust

     BlogHer says that more than 80% of online customers in US trust information from blogs. This shows the extent of trust blogs build up as a marketing asset and drive online customer acquisition.

  3. SEO friendly

    Google places great premium on fresh content put up from time to time. It also clearly emphasizes on developing contextual and relevant content that will provide value to readers. With a business blog, you can accomplish both these points easily.

  4. Assertiveness

    For your target audience to take your business seriously you need to assert yourself as an industry authority. Writing informative blog content that add meaningful value help perceive the author as an expert in his/her field.

  5. Marketing campaign

    Blogs can be a potent weapon within a structured marketing campaign. With constant influx of new content, and linking it to your content marketing campaign can result in tangible benefits to gaining new prospects.

blogs to drive traffic

Types of blogs

In business, you can get various types of blogs developed to engage deeply with your intended audience –

  1. Internal communication
    • Team or project related communication
    • Knowledge asset
    • Incubation asset
  2. External communication
    • Marketing of product or service
    • Leadership or executive messages
    • Industry news or trend analysis
    • Customer service in form of query resolution or information

Some best practices

  1. Pay attention to content

    Ensure that your blog content structure flows smoothly and logically. Make use of multimedia to enhance the blog appeal.

  2. Be authoritative

    Use statistical insights, your own views on current trends, and other influential data points to craft your blog content.

  3. Relevant

    It simply doesn’t make any sense for a fashion house to talk about web development. Hence stick to your repertoire and build content that reflects well upon your business and target audience.

  4. Personalization

    Content that helps humanize your brand stands a better chance of generating business. A copywriter or a content writing agency in India such as Textuar Communications will help you develop content that helps resonate with your audience with a human touch.

Hope this post provides pointers on how you can gain traction to your online marketing campaign with the help of blogs. Write in to us and let us know your thoughts.

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