Knowing The Anatomy Of New-Age Content Writers

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In today’s times of digital marketing it will be easy to understand and acknowledge the influence and impact of creative content writers. Their content is what draws your intended audience closer to your brand and gives momentum to the conversion process.

While it is not that tough to associate with skilled coders, it becomes quite an overwhelming task to search for content writers that know the art of blending subtlety with persuasion. Today we take a look what it takes to master the art of compelling content writing. Factoring in these points during your content development process will take you one step closer to engaging better with a group of smart and informed set of potential customers.

  1. “What’s in it for me?”

This is the primary question a reader might ask when he/she goes through your content. It must not only be engrossing, but also aim to help solve one or more problems that the reader might be facing.

So if you are an IT firm, it will not help to dedicate a lot of words to showcase your technology expertise.

A reader (most probably another business owner who wants to get a website or application developed from your IT firm) will ask ‘What’s in it for me?’

Answer this question, and rest assured, the reader will stay hooked.

So for instance instead of saying “we are Microsoft Dynamics CRM experts”, the web copy can say “Using our Microsoft Dynamics CRM you get to know your customers better and improve your bottom lines”


  1. Understanding social media

Social media recommendations play a pivotal role in popularizing your brand’s content. New-age content writers need to comprehend the importance of strong social media presence for themselves as well as their clients. Hence crafting sassy posts to introduce readers to your web content will lead to more shares and better visibility for your brand

  1. SEO is important for content writers

Getting discovered by the right audience with readable content is a big plus point for any brand’s marketing campaign. Get a basic yet overall comprehension of Search Engine Optimization to score well on search engine ranking signals. Make sure you dedicate enough thought on keyword research, without going overboard with keyword stuffing.

  1. Research comes first

Every ingenious content developer is a researcher first, and everything else comes after that. Half-hearted and incomplete research will never lead to high-quality content. With easy access to the virtual world, a web content writer has to inculcate an aptitude for research as an essential part of his/ her job description. Carrying out in-depth research shows in the final cut and impresses readers too.

  1. Add the visual punch

A basic knowledge of Photoshop and free found image sourcing and editing goes a long way in creating an everlasting impact with your content. Blending your text content with rich images is what propels one web content past others.

Interested to see how you can utilize content writing to meet your business objectives? Connect with us at Textuar and our content writing company will be happy to answer your key query “What’s in it for me?”

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